Care, Think

Kind People are My Kinda People


Do you guys remember my “mantra Mondays”? I used to post every Monday with a new mantra that inspired me. It really helps me start my week with intention, helping me stay centered and happy. Well guess what? They’re back and this week is all about kindess! Be sure to click through for the free tech downloads.

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These mantras are really fun for me to make. Personally, I really love inspiration quotes and if there’s one thing I’ve learned so far in life, it’s to do more of what you enjoy. Of course I know how cheesy that sounds, but I think we could use a little bit of cheesiness in our lives.

I take inspiration from my day to day life. After all, I’m make trying to make more of an effort to not just say I’m being positive, but thinking it and then it tends to seep into my actions too. More than anything it all starts with your mindset!

My mom is one of the most kind people I know. I think a smile and kind words go a long way. You never know what people around you may be going through in their lives or their day, so just be nice to everyone. Not just to your family or your partner, but to strangers as well.

For more free downloads, check out my other mantras like do what you love, make things happen, and hope smiles

I used to have one of those “page-a-day” calendars with a famous quote that you could tear off every day. It’s like a happy tidbit to carry you through the day! So I hope you enjoyed this mantra and feel encouraged to show some kindness today. Happy Monday!

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