Browsing Tag

smoothie bowl

  • no-bake strawberry cheesecake delicious vegan strawberry recipes

    5 Yummy Vegan Strawberry Recipes

    The warmer it gets, the more I find myself at the market admiring all the bright & colorful berries. This inspired me to round up these 5 yummy vegan strawberry recipes to try…

  • Breakfast, Eat

    Acai Bowl with Energy Balls

    The bad news is I’m still feeling quite sick. My sort throat is gone, but in its place I now have a horrible head cold and congestion meaning I’m sneezing non-stop. It’s not…

  • imperial palace gardens

    Tokyo Diaries: Sightseeing

    Whenever I travel, I’m a big sucker for reading guide books to find out about all the big “touristy” things to do. I’m a lover of sightseeing because I really like learning as much as…

  • RAW VEGAN mango lassi smoothie bowl with coconut rawnola
    Breakfast, Eat, Sweets

    Mango Lassi Smoothie Bowl

    This dessert disguised as a smoothie has joined the leagues as a summer staple. If you’ve never had a lassi before or maybe if you’ve never even heard of it, don’t worry.…

  • Breakfast, Eat, Sweets

    Berry Cherry Smoothie Bowl

    One of the best parts about being home in Atlanta is I get to make food for my family all day long. Better yet, they’re not even vegan, so they make the…

  • Green Detox Smoothie Bowl
    Breakfast, Eat, Sweets

    Green Detox Smoothie Bowl

    In yesterday’s post, I talked all about my New Year’s resolutions. The major takeaway was that I am all about positivity! A positive mind leads to a happy spirit and happier days in my…