
Do What You Love

do-what-you-love-art-printI found this free printable designed by Kristen from Hello Monday Design which perfectly fits my situation right now. I mentioned before that I’ve been keeping really busy with my business, which is why I haven’t been able to post as much as I used to. As stressful as it is and as bad as I feel that I don’t have as much free time to blog, I feel so incredibly lucky that I’m able to pursue my passion and do what I love. It’s definitely a rare thing, which my boyfriend likes to remind me during the tough times. So even when I’m having a bad day or a particularly crazy week (which this week has definitely been), I still look forward to each and every day. And that even includes Monday!

Don’t Be Afraid To Fail

Do you love what you do? If you could do anything, what would it be? What’s holding you back? These are all questions that I asked myself before I moved to Hong Kong. I was so unsure of myself and my decision at the time. Honestly, my friends thought I was crazy and didn’t understand how I could move so far away from my home in the States. I didn’t really have a concrete business plan in place or know what I would do for work. I just knew that I wanted to share my love for making wholesome, delicious plant-based food. There was a gap in the health foods industry in Hong Kong, but it was started to grow and people were starting to take an interest.

Never Look Back

It was my golden opportunity. So, I jumped for it. Every since making that decision, I’ve never looked back. As difficult as it is at times, hearing a positive comment from a customer or watching their face light up when they try my product makes it all worth it. There’s a deep sense of reward, purpose, and appreciation that I feel from such a little thing like that. I’m so happy that I risked pushing myself out of my comfort zone to pursue my dream.

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