
Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

be your own kind of beautiful

Today’s mantra is this: be your own kind of beautiful. We were all uniquely created, so why do we spend so much time comparing ourselves? Especially as women, I feel like there is this invisible measure or ideal by which we all measure ourselves. Instead, we should look at ourselves as individuals. We are all beautiful in our own way. 

I always found flaws in myself based on what other girls looked like.

It wasn’t until college that I really realized how real of an issue this was. I wanted to fit in and feel accepted more than anything, so I tried to attain this unrealistic ‘skinny girl’ ideal. I went through waves of over-exercising and dieting which lead to binge eating, creating a seemingly never-ending vicious cycle. Ultimately, I was never happy with how I looked and didn’t see myself as beautiful.

What I didn’t know at the time was how wrong I was. 

I thought beauty depended on my appearance, when really it was my brains, my light-hearted humor, my nerdy love for books and animated movies, and my ability to trust and to forgive that made me beautiful. Being beautiful on the inside radiates to the outside.

We need to stop obsessively comparing ourselves and establish a new way of looking at beauty.

You are your own person and your own kind of beautiful. It’s about time you embrace it (trust me, I’m still learning how)!

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