Care, Think

12 Steps to Everyday Self-Care

12 steps to self care guide #selfcare #selflove

They’re here! I’m super excited to announce I’ve collaborated with the amazingly talented Whitney Kerney, boss babe and designer behind WK Creative. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’m obsessed with her designs. We wanted to focus on self-care and the journey to loving yourself. I’ve been really looking forward to sharing these design with you and here they are!

i'm growing. i'm full. i'm happy. inspirational quote from yasmine cheyenne #motivation #inspiration #quote

I met Whitney on Instagram and we immediately hit it off. She’s based in Florida where she’s started her own creative space, Girls Who Self-Care, for girls to feel pretty. We share a similar belief in positive affirmations.

There’s such power in telling yourself daily that you’re growing. You’re full, happy, and healthy.

I repeat these affirmations to myself regularly as a kind reminder that all I need to feel whole is a foundation and belief in myself and my abilities. Confidence and self-love is true power!

bloom wildly without regret #design #inspiration #quote

Here are her 12 steps to self-care:

1 / If it feels wrong. Don’t do it.

I tend to trust my gut and if something just doesn’t feel right, then I know it probably isn’t.

2 / Say exactly what you mean.

You should never be afraid to speak your mind. And choose your words carefully, so that you avoid being misunderstood.

3 / Don’t be a people pleaser.

People value authenticity. You can never please everyone in the room.

4 / Never speak bad about yourself.

As someone who’s inherently self-deprecating, this one rings true for me. Try to be kind to yourself instead of putting yourself down.

5 / Trust your instincts.

I’m a naturally trusting person, but ironically I have a hard time trusting myself sometimes. This is something I’m working on!

6 / Never give up on your dreams.

Remember that failure is part of the learning process. Also, success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s always a result of hard work.

7 / Don’t be afraid to say no.

For me, this means not collaborating with brands that I don’t believe in.

8 / Don’t be afraid to say yes.

Whether it’s a work project or meeting up with someone new, don’t be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. More often than not, that’s where the magic happens!

9 / Be kind to yourself.

I’m very hard on myself, so this one is critical for me. Take a nice bath, watch your favorite show, or eat your favorite food. Whatever “being kind” means to you. Take time to do it.

10 / Let go of what you can’t control.

You’re not all-being and all-knowing. People make mistakes and you don’t control the world. Breathe deeply and just let it go.

11 / Stay away from drama and negativity.

Surround yourself with people who genuinely care for you and are always supportive. They’re the ones who’ll be around in 10 or 15 years time.

12 / Love.

All you need is love. Pure and simple.

I really enjoyed collaborating with Whitney on this, because it really got me to thinking. I’m going to challenge myself to implement these 12 acts of self-care into my everyday life. I think we all have room to grow when it comes to loving ourselves.

It’s a constantly evolving journey for me and “self-care” looks different for everyone. So I encourage you to interpret these 12 steps to everyday self-care for yourself and see where it takes you! Also, make sure you follow @whitneykerney on IG for more tips and daily self-care inspiration.

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  • Reply Veronica June 17, 2019 at 12:17 am

    Love this list! Just what I needed today. Thank you!

    • Reply laura June 18, 2019 at 4:56 pm

      Hi Veronica! Wow that makes me so happy! Thank you for reading and have a lovely week 🙂

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